Monday, June 22, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

So, I haven't really had that much to say... I am still healing nicely from the surgery physically speaking. I am no longer in pain so that's good.

I'm still trying to cope with the thought of not having biological children...It's more difficult than I thought. I see my friends and family and their kids and I can't help but think that life is passing me by a little...but I suppose that these are all natural feelings...I just wish that they didn't hurt so much. But, I am blessed...I have love in my life in many, many ways. So I am just holding on to that thought to help me deal with this.

On a lighter note, I am thinking that I can't stand the cat anymore. He is unruly and he tries to chase rabbits...from he messes up the wood blinds. I don't like him when he does that. He's also very needy and howls when Reggie is away because Reggie is essentially his father (and mother for that matter). Sammy just tolerates me...I'm like the sample that comes with purchase... Anyone want an orange cat? He's very cute...looking...He's cute.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tracy,
    This is Carey Begbie (Westerfield). I just noticed on FB that you had a blog and thought I'd pop over.
    I'm sorry for your loss in terms of having bio kids. We are adopting from China and I did extensive research about 2 years ago. I'd be happy to share info with you if you want.
    I have to say that I got the funniest visual as you described the cat chasing rabbits form inside the house...too funny! I have an insane dog...maybe we can do a swap?
